Sorting Hat, Part 1

Look, I hardly ever take “which are you?” quizzes when they pop up in my Facebook feed. I don’t want to know which Spice Girl I would be or which Frozen character I would be. Too much time for an answer that doesn’t matter to me.

In fact, at first I passed up the Harry Potter sorting hat quiz as well. Same reason. But I saw it a few more times, so I clicked through to see what it was all about.

I was not disappointed.

It’s a great quiz. And not because of the end result (Hufflepuff? WTF?) But because about half of the questions made me pause and actually reflect on the answers.

So I thought I’d share some of the questions here and what I thought about them. I’d love to hear your answers for them as well. I’m breaking this up into two parts because it would be too long otherwise.


This is really tough, because they’re all really nice ways to be remembered. We remember people like Lincoln for being wise. We honor heroes like Rosa Parks for being bold. We call someone “great” if they achieved astounding levels of success, like Steve Jobs. And we remember people like Mother Theresa for being good.

I was really torn on this one. I wanted to be the type of person to choose “The Good.” And I certainly want to do good things and treat people the right way. But I was thinking about funerals, the way people talk at funerals. At a funeral, everyone always says, “Yeah, he/she was a really good guy/girl.” It’s the default adjective we use when memorializing someone.

But I think people who do great things are remembered because of the things they create, and I’d rather be known in history as someone who created some pretty cool stuff. Final answer: The Great.


This one has no actual application to real life, but it’s still a fun question. When I originally took the quiz, I answered “flying on a broomstick.” Flying would be awesome.

But…there’s no way sitting on a broomstick is comfortable. Imagine all of your weight on it. Not good.

Magic is awesome, and I’d have a hard time saying no to learning any type of magic, but I have to say that I LOVE castles. I would jump at the chance to roam the halls of Hogwarts, discovering secret passages and magical relics. So, final answer: Secrets about the castle.


I have absolutely no idea how the sorting hat uses this information, but I’m fascinated by the question. I’m not good with temptation, so the third box is out. And I don’t want some magical spider climbing out of the fourth box.

So that leaves the first and second boxes. The mark of Merlin is very interesting. I bet there’s a powerful spell inside the box. But it could also be something terrible that Merlin locked away.

Indiana Jones chose the unassuming chalice, and that worked out for him. I’d like to see if box #2 thinks I’m worth. Final answer: The small, pewter box.


Okay, last question for today. I think this might be the first question on the real quiz, and it’s when I knew that I was really going to enjoy the process. I like introspective questions.

Ordinary is out. I’m perfectly fine with people thinking I’m ordinary–it helps me blend in. I’m fine with cowardly as well.

The other two are tough. Being called ignorant digs deep. Either they’re saying I’m dumb or they’re saying I’m choosing to ignore the facts. Neither feels good.

Being called selfish sucks too. It feels really good for me to be generous to people–to friends, family, strangers, charities, etc. I actively try to be generous, so to have someone say otherwise hurts.

Here’s the thing. I know that I am sometimes selfish. Like, I would prefer not to share my fancy chocolates. And I’m very protective of my time. So if someone wants to call me out on that, it’s fair game.

But ignorant? There isn’t a single part of me that ever wants to be ignorant. I’m sure I am sometimes, but I never want to be, nor do I want to be called that. So, final answer: Ignorant.


Who knew a Harry Potter sorting hat quiz would be so interesting? I had no idea! I look forward to hearing your answers if you’re willing to share.

9 thoughts on “Sorting Hat, Part 1”

  1. I don’t normally take Internet quizzes, but this one was fun! Like you said, this quiz made me stop and think about my own life, so I’m glad you shared it. I wonder if the quiz-writer was trying to inspire introspection?

  2. I read each question and analyzed it for myself before reading any of your self-analysis. You and I had exactly the same thoughts (literally the same thought pattern) on “How would you like to be remembered in history?” (although I used the word “accomplish” instead of “create” in my head) and on “Which of the following would you most hate people to call you?” For “What are you most looking forward to learning at Hogwarts?,” I chose every area of magic I can, which seems to encompass a number of the other options. On the four boxes question, I instantly chose the one about temptation because I have no problem giving in to indulgent temptation with reckless abandon. (I’m pretty sure I’d give in to The Dark Side in any Star Wars movie in about 2 seconds.) Power? Pleasure? Pizza? Here I come!

  3. Trev: That’s true, the “every type of magic” seems like the obvious answer there. I wonder if maybe the downside to that is you’d never get really good at any specific type of magic–you’d just have a few party tricks in a variety of disciplines.

  4. It ran a little long for my tastes, but it was entertaining to think about these questions and how they relate to me. Curiously, every quiz of this nature I have taken before has put me in Gryffindor. Except this one, which placed me in Slytherin. It poses the idea that Slytherin and Gryffindor are opposite sides of the same coin, which makes sense on multiple levels. I don’t mind if the hat tells me that I am more ambitious than I am heroic.

  5. I. AM. RAVENCLAW! I am The Bold, learn every area of magic I can, picked a box with a squeaking creature (fluffy flying squirrel!), and anything but Ordinary. I soar like an eagle.

  6. Joe: Yeah, sorry, I should have warned you that the quiz takes a while. Welcome to Slytherin!

    Jasmin: Those answers definitely make sense from what I know about you. 🙂

  7. I got Racenclaw, too! Being remembered as wise, choosing the pewter box, and wanting to learn the secrets of the castle (among other things), helped to place me in that house.

  8. I think you chose all the same answers as me!

    >there’s no way sitting on a broomstick is comfortable. Imagine all of your weight on it. Not good.

    That’s why cushioning spells were invented. 😉


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