Hunt for the Truth Reminder and Clarification

I’ve gotten a few confused remarks about the following clue, so I’m going to clarify it. The clue:

Day 3: In this entry about Japan, I go out of my way to mention the italicization something. How many of those things (full versions of those things, not individual parts like “haya” or “ben”) do I italicize in the entry about my early lunch in Hiroshima?

The “something” I’m referring is Japanese words. So how many full Japanese words do I italicize in the entry about my early lunch in Hiroshima?

It’s not too late to join the hunt! Remember that the final clue will be posted sometime tomorrow morning between 8:30 and 9:00 CST (i.e., whenever I wake up). There will be no post tonight to give everyone a fair shot at sending in the correct answer first.

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