Father’s Day Without a Father

In January, complications from cancer resulting in my dad’s passing, so today is my first father’s day without my father. I know I’m not alone in this dubious distinction, and I want you to know that you’re not alone either. A friend mentioned that during his first Father’s Day after his dad died, the day … Read more

Have You Found Happiness in Your Job?

I’m incredibly fortunate that my career is so closely tied to one of my greatest passions, board game creation. I’m very happy at my job. I had two other careers before this, one at a textbook publishing project management company and one at a nonprofit. While neither was quite as fulfilling as Stonemaier Games, I … Read more

Comfort Objects for Those in Mourning

When I was in Virginia recently for my father’s funeral prep (and the actual funeral), family, neighbors, and friends of my parents converged on the house with food. There were flowers too, but mostly food. My aunts believe that carbs and chocolate provide comfort for those in mourning. Since returning to St. Louis, it’s been … Read more

Martin Short’s Nine Categories

We listened to episode after episode of the delightful Smartless podcast on the recent drive to and from Virginia. One of my favorite episodes featured comedian Martin Short, who–in the midst of a lot of laughs–offered a thought-provoking insight. He talked about how long ago he created a system called “The Nine Categories.” He uses … Read more

It Happened So Fast

I’m now back in St. Louis after spending an unexpected week in Virginia for my dad’s funeral. I really appreciate the support and words of wisdom I received on my post about grieving earlier this week. Before I close out the week, I wanted to share with you just how fast things happened last Thursday, … Read more